I’ve been looking for a good way to honor Memorial Day and those who have sacrificed for our country and was pleased to find Witness to War, from The Witness to War Foundation, “a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to preserving the stories and unique experiences of combat veterans. It was … Continue reading
Category Archives: Uncategorized
It’s My Birthday, But I Already Got the Gifts!
As I thought about a blog entry for my birthday, I wondered: What’s the most self-indulgent entry I could possibly make? Last year, I posted a little video about myself on my birthday. It’s kind of a milestone birthday. Not one that ends in a zero, but one that ends … Continue reading
Q&A with a Story Guru: Corey Blake, Part 4
See a photo of Corey, a link to his bio, Part 1 of this Q&A, and Part 2, and Part 3. Q&A with Corey Blake (Questions 4 and 5): Q: What future trends or directions do you foresee for story/storytelling/narrative? A: With so much information accessible, I am a true … Continue reading
Storytelling Adds Human Touch to Virtual Work
I got interested in virtual teams and virtual work a few years ago when I learned that some of my former students felt that, while their business-school education had prepared them well to collaborate in face-to-face teams, it fell short in readying them to participate on geographically dispersed teams in … Continue reading
The Storytelling Bug: Roots in Childhood?
In a lovely post with beautiful photos (they look hand-tinted), “Dara,” who describes herself as “a twenty-something year old Christian and an aspiring historical fiction writer,” posed some interesting questions: Do you remember what age you started to read? What were some of your favorite books as a child? Were … Continue reading
Wordle-licious Friday
This week’s Wordle.net word/tag cloud based on A Storied Career.
Wordle Story of the Week
This week’s Wordle.net word/tag cloud based on A Storied Career.
The Job-seeker as the Story’s Hero
Ford Harding wrote to me about a recent posting: You adapted criteria for stories (as published in RainToday) to sell professional services to those to be told while job seeking. It works, too. You recommended that the hero of the story be the job seeker. I suggest a possible alternative. … Continue reading
More Story Quotes
Just a miscellaneous addition to the collection: Storytelling is really about connecting with people in the moment of telling the story. It’s something that happens in a dialogue between the storyteller and the audience. – Lea Thau, executive director of The Moth, a collective of New York City writers, actors, … Continue reading
What is A Storied Career?
A Storied Career is Kathy Hansen’s Blog that explores intersections among various forms and uses of storytelling, including journaling, organizational storytelling, storytelling for organizational entry, Writing to Learn, and keeping a Weblog (Blogging). A Storied Career has its roots in my PhD program, and my hope is that its scope … Continue reading