A Good Test of Whether Storytelling Works

What if you saw an animated story with no narration on a Web site written in a language you don’t comprehend?

Somewhere on the Web, I came across high praise for the storytelling in an animation on the Swedish IKEA Web site. (Click on the words “Da borjar vi!”).

It is a lovely animation set to music. The whimsical artwork, sampled below, is enchanting.

But storytelling? I’m not sure. I can’t tell what the product is. Judging from the context of the page on which the animation originates, it might be a lighting product, though it really doesn’t look like one. (I later learned here that the animation depicts the PS collection, a line of eco-friendly products.)

If I could read Swedish, I’d probably have a much better idea.

But that’s a thought worth considering: If you need the context of the written word and/or narration, does a visual story truly work as a story?