My colleague, Chandlee Bryan, of CareersInContext, is looking for folks who landed jobs through social media:
Did you or someone you know land a great job due to smart use of social
media and social networking applications?
I am in the process of preparing a presentation for the Career Management Alliance’s annual conference on best practices for “using social media with intention.” The audience will include private career coaches, resume writers, and solopreneurs (in other words, providers of career management services).
I’m looking for “rockstars” of social media, and am actively seeking stories of successful job seekers who were able to use applications (e.g. blogs, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter) to market their skills and experience with a consistent message. I will, naturally, ask permission of anyone recommended to me prior to including in my presentation. (You may also send me a private response if you do not feel comfortable with a “shout-out” in your public answer.)
Many thanks in advance for your assistance with this project,
Chandlee Bryan
Please e-mail Chandlee if you can help.