Here’s Where to Review the Week in Storytelling

One of my newest discoveries, Gregg Morris (pictured, from his Twitter profile), produces a weekly feature in his What’s Your Story? blog called The Week in Storytelling.

I freely admit that I am seduced by the fact that Gregg cites a number of entries from A Storied Career and calls me his hero. But he lists plenty of other sites and blogs in his review, so this feature is a great way to get a snapshot of what’s been written about storytelling in the past week. Gregg also runs a near-daily feature of curated stories, “a daily post that shares and curates links to the content that I consume over the course of each day … items [that] all deal with change, stories, writing, business issues, marketing and pr, social media and networking. “

The Week in Storytelling appears to be a new feature. Hope it continues.