Hundreds of Thousands of Healthcare Stories Attest to Broken System

What struck me the most about President Obama’s recent televised town-hall meeting on healthcare was that when he asked the gathering of some 160 people of all political persuasions if any of them felt the healthcare system is fine the way it is, not a single one raised a hand.

Over the past few weeks, the administration has collected hundreds of thousands of stories about just how messed up the healthcare system is.

I have read many of these stories and find them a mix of poignant, heartbreaking, and enraging. There are also stories of people who have lived in countries where healthcare is accessible and affordable.

Disagreement about how to solve the healthcare problem is rampant, but when you read these stories, you know that America must fix healthcare.

I am convinced that we will get it done this time.

The fact that the administration is using stories to make the case gives me even more hope.

The healthcare story site is still collecting stories. Tell yours today.