My Inauguration Story

1:05 p.m.: I’ve been watching coverage since a little after 7 a.m. Barack Obama has now been our president for a little over an hour. It’s a day of great emotion, and I wish I could blog in front of the TV, but my laptop chose today to commit suicide.

Just a few impressions: As was the case on election night, I have been most struck by the people — the people filling the National Mall to capacity by 9 a.m. — just the absolute sea of hopeful humanity that our new president looked out on this afternoon.

It was those people I thought of when the president said: “What the cynics fail to understand is that the ground has shifted beneath them…” Those people are the living testament to that shift.

I hope to update this entry throughout today, Inauguration Day, with my impressions of the inauguration of our 44th president. (This effort has just been slightly hampered by an apparent hard-drive failure on my laptop.)

For starters, two organizations are seeking photos to tell the story of the day: E-mail and go to the Presidential Inauguration Committee’s Web site.

Starting at 10 a.m. today, will host a live inauguration slideshow photo album highlighting members from all over the country at thousands of DFA events and parties nationwide:

No matter where you are — whether at a gathering in your office break room, hosting a watch party in your living room, or out drinking with your friends — we’ll instantly capture this moment together.

    There are at least three easy ways to submit your photos:

  1. Cell-phone camera (Yes It Can!)
  2. iPhone, Smartphone, or Blackberry
  3. Digital camera