The final piece of my rollout of recent finds is the largest, my catch-all category of Links to Interdisciplinary Storytelling Resources. This category covers everything that doesn’t fit into the categories of my other inside pages.
Now begins the task not only of actually placing this week’s lists on their respective inside pages, but also doing the same for all the finds I listed last July!
Education-Related Story Resources
- Talk Story Together: Joint family literacy project between the Asian/Pacific American Library Association and the American Indian Library Association.
- Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives: Publicly available archive of personal literacy narratives in a variety of formats (text, video, audio) that together provide a historical record of the literacy practices and values of contributors, as those practices and values change.
Multimedia Storytelling Resources
- Storytelling Category: Knight Digital Media Center: Recorded webcasts of speakers conducting digital media training sessions; presentations in this section filed under “Storytelling.”
- Story Wheel: Enables users to record a story around Instagram photos.
Online Magazines
- Narrative Nipple: Online literary magazine that focuses on the
impact, revelation, celebration, darkness, exasperation, and expressive cravings of all breast-cancer survivors, fighters, and thrivers.
- Narrative Nipple: Online literary magazine that focuses on the
- The Sun: Independent, ad-free monthly magazine that for more than 30 years has used words and photographs to invoke the splendor and heartache of being human. The Sun celebrates life, but not in a way that ignores its complexity. “The personal essays, short stories, interviews, poetry, and photographs that appear in its pages explore the challenges we face and the moments when we rise to meet those challenges.”
Oral Performance and Presentation Storytelling
- Ex Fabula: Regularly connects storytellers with live audiences.
- The Moth on Stitcher: A mobile app that enables listening to podcasts of The Moth (and other programs).
- Rattle Tales: Night of interactive story-telling, run by local writers in Brighton, UK.
- Stories from the Borders of Sleep: Weekly podcast, featuring original stories, fantastic fables and curious tales written and read by Seymour Jacklin.
- Story League: For writers, stand-ups, poets, actors, and others who want to perfect the art and craft of telling true stories onstage.
Social-Change Story Initiatives and Resources
- Benevolent Media: Exploration of storytelling and design for good. Focuses on people, organizations and projects that compel audiences to care about a cause, take action on an issue, or promote a point of view through strategic and inspiring multimedia.
- The Brave Discussion: A community-based project led by a company of sisters who come together to raise awareness for issues that need to be discussed, whose stories need to be changed.
- First-Person Stories (Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund): First-person stories by people whose voices shed light on the complex and critical issues at the heart of the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund’s work.
- Globalgiving Storytelling Project: Project that collects 1,000 new stories each month from more than 50 towns and cities across Kenya and Uganda and uses Sensemaker(R) to turn these stories into data to inform and encourage organizations to provide solutions to communities’ most pressing needs.
- The Positive Project: Provides a mechanism by which people infected/affected by HIV/AIDS can share their experiences with those who can benefit from hearing them, to use their stories for the greater good.
- Social Enterprise Stories: A space for experiencing and sharing the impact of social enterprise.
- Stategic Narrative: Dr. Amy Zalman’s consultancy to advance the practice of narrative to solve complex problems among people, cultures and organizations.
- The Suicide Project: Website devoted to allowing people to share their stories of desperation and depression… and ultimately of hope. The hope is that by allowing people to share their stories of despair with one another, they can find a reason to live, a reason to survive another minute. Another hour. Another day.
Spiritual and religious Story Resources
- Guideposts: Offers real-life inspiration through true stories of hope, faith, personal growth, and positive thinking.
- Network of Biblical Storytellers: Internaitonal organization whose purpose is to communicate the sacred stories of the biblical tradition.
Story Collections
- 365 Veterans: Two moms on a mission to honor a Veteran a day, every day of the year.
- Army Strong Stories: Program provided by U.S. Army Accessions Command. The site is dedicated to sharing the meaning of Army Strong through a dedicated Soldier blog, and video and written story submissions from Soldiers, family members, friends and supporters.
- A Story Every Day: A new story is posted every day, and the site welcomes submissions.
- Site of the Biography channel.
- Epiphany Channel: Site to accompany the book, Epiphany: True Stories of Sudden Insight to Inspire, Encourage and Transformcompilation, a compilation of interviews with people from all different professions, nationalities, ages, beliefs and walks of life.
- Eyewitness to History: History through the eyes of the people who lived it.
- Collection of everyday anecdotes and stories likely to happen to anyone and everyone.
- Handprints on My Heart: A growing community featuring inspirational quotes, uplifting, positive blog posts, and motivational true personal short stories.
- Historical Haunts: A collection of ghost stories based on documented events from across the United States. For each tale, a cinematic adaptation using notable actors emotionally grabs the audience and a short documentary containing interviews with historians, scientists, and scholars help decipher the truth behind the legend.
- The Experience Project: Calls itself “the largest living collection of shared experiences.”
- Makes Me Think: Online community where people share daily life stories that provoke deep thought and inspire positive change.
- Life Stories of Montrealers Displaced by War, Genocide, and other Human Rights Violations: Oral history project exploring Montrealers’ experiences and memories of mass violence and displacement.
- Make the Connection: Stories of Connection: Shared experiences and support for veterans.
- One Woman’s Day: A project from Story Circle Network in which each day features a woman’s story.
- Mapping the Human Story: Explores and curates humanity’s traditions, wisdom and knowledge.
- The Payphone Project: Stories, pictures, phone numbers and news from payphones and public telephony.
- Share a Story: A social initiative to discover powerful personal stories from around the world.
- Stub Story: Stories about ticket stubs.
- Twitter Stories: Stories by Twitter users.
- Web of Stories: Began as an archive of life stories told by some of the great scientists of our time but is now open to people outside the field of science to tell their life stories.
- Your Story Club: Promote traditions of story-telling and story-listening by serving as online story publishing house where people can publish stories.
- Your Story: Audio Stories of Interesting Lives: Podcast and site about the individuals the site founder has met, their lives,. and how they have managed to get to where they are today.
Story Practitioners/Consultancies: Individual Coaching
- Juliet Bruce/Living Story: Writer, creatively oriented counselor, and story coach.
- Keener Inspiration: Patricia Keener is a career coach and training consultant who works with international businesses using training, workshop, and coaching techniques to help her clients develop their career and improve their business effectiveness, integrate successfully into other cultures, and develop their interpersonal skills.
- Seven Story Learning: The consultancy of Andrew Nemiccolo, who helps professionals communicate more effectively through stories.
Story Practitioners/Consultancies: Marketing, Branding
- B2B Storytelling: Consultancy that offers Web content, profiles, and case/customer success studies, white papers, blog posts, and articles.
- BB&Co Strategic Storytelling: The site of Bill Baker, who uses a StoryFinding process enables corporate and organizational leaders to collectively determine what makes their brand most meaningful and distinct.
- Brandtelling: Arthur Germain coaches professionals to tell the
story of their brands.
- DUO Strategy and Design: Publishes unforgettable stories with clients and marry the stories with imagery.
- Brandtelling: Arthur Germain coaches professionals to tell the
- Free Range Studios: Works across all disciplines that drive positive change — from the visual to the strategic — to bring great stories to life.
- GameChangers: Improvisation for business in a networked world.
- Narrative Network: Specializes in corporate business stories and personal narratives and comprises storytellers in communications, public relations, social media, journalism, marketing, events, design, graphics, photo/video, multimedia, creative and academic professions.
- The Storybranding Group: Consulting practice of Cindy Atlee, and home to her collaborations with a variety of like-minded partners. The Storybranding Group helps clients define and give voice to what’s best and most distinctive about them–and use the power of who they really are to create compelling brands, develop inspired leaders and deeply engage their workforces.
- Your Story Communications: Communications agency specialising in writing, social media and event management. The Web presence of chief communicator/strategist/writer Sandy Galland seems to be this Facebook page.
Story Practitioners/Consultancies/Authors: Other
- Zette Harbour: Story Maven: Traditional storyteller, retreat leader, and founder of the Pacific Storytelling Center.
- Idea 360: Janine Underhill’s graphic recording and graphic facilitation and storytelling firm helping thought leaders and CEOs experience breakthroughs as they turn meetings into profitable outcomes.
- Influence Through Stories: Video training on how to communicate your message in a more compelling manner through stories.
- Living Proof: Advocacy storytelling tied to book of the same name by John Capecci and Timothy Cage.
- Lynne Griffin: Author and family-life expert who appears regularly in TV segments, Family Works and Family Life Stories, featuring important family life topics and recommended books.
- Presentation Storyboarding: Helps clients to succeed in giving presentations.
- Sharing Stories: Freelance journalist Jane Gregory supplies real-life stories to women’s magazines and national (UK) newspapers.
- Story Partners: Strategy, consultancy, training, workshops, production editing, music, talent sourcing, media management, data analysis. Support for stories.
- Your Story Matters: Author and entrepreneur Angela Schafers’ platform to share her own and others stories of hope. She produces and hosts her weekly show Your Story Matters, interviewing those around the globe with amazing stories.
Storytelling: Narrative Theory and Research
- Project Narrative: Sims to promote state-of-the art research and teaching in the field of narrative studies. Drawing on ideas from multiple disciplines, the Project focuses on narrative in all of its guises, from everyday storytelling in face-to-face interaction, to oral history and autobiography, to films, graphic novels, and narratives associated with digital environments, to the multitude of stories found in the world’s narrative literatures.
Visual Storytelling
- Question Bridge: Transmedia art project that seeks to represent and redefine Black male identity in America. Through video mediated question and answer exchange, diverse members of this “demographic” bridge economic, political, geographic, and generational divisions.