Q and A with a Story Guru: Bill Gibeault: Video Storytelling Is the Most Emotionally Engaging Medium

See a photo of Bill, his bio, Part 1 of this Q&A, and Part 2.

Q&A with Bill Gibeault, Question 3

Q: What are some of the advantages of your storytelling medium — video?

A: Video fits better with peoples’ demand for experiences.

Video has been a favorite method to consume information for quite some time. Just think about the growth of broadcast TV and the amount of time people spend in front of the television. It is still Americans’ favorite pastime as we watch more than 4.5 hours per day according to Neilsen Inc. Broadcast television now has some company, or should I say some competition, namely online video, which has exploded during the last few years and continues to set new records of consumption each month. According to ComScore, during the month of April 2012, 84 percent of US. online audience watched an average of 21.8 hours of video. The consumption growth, while certainly impacted by improved video technology, was also driven by the fact that video is more engaging than words or simple photos.

No doubt, we are entering a new age where learning and continued education is essential. Learning theory and studies continue to confirm that video is the most effective medium for education. The average person retains 10 percent of what he/she reads, 20 percent of what is heard, 30 percent of what he/she sees, and 50 percent of what he/she sees and hears.

The most significant advantage for the use of video is that video storytelling, which includes sound, is the most emotionally engaging medium. From a business standpoint, continued research in the Neuroscience field, points very clearly to the fact that emotions account for more than 50 percent of all buying decisions and 50+ percent of the overall customer experience.