Q and A with a Story Guru: Dorit Sasson: To Reach a Wider Audience, Embrace Your Authenticity and Vulnerability

See a photo of Dorit, her bio, Part 1 of this Q&A, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

Q&A with Dorit Sasson, Questions 9 and 10:

Q: What has surprised you most in your work with story?

A: The unbelievable power of giving voice to something that is voiceless and the human ability to transform something when you allow yourself to tell your story. The other thing that has surprised me is the very intimate emotional connection you build with yourself and with others. I have been voiceless almost all my life in the sense that I never believed and loved my own story so much so that I was willing to step up and out and share my truth with a wider audience.

Q: If you could share just one piece of advice or wisdom about story/ storytelling/narrative with readers, what would it be?

A: It is very easy to dismiss your story as unimportant and not valuable to others. Also, people tend to think they don’t have an important story to tell so they keep silent. This is wrong. You may have a common experience, but it is your emotional perspective that is important.

All too often I hear people say, “I hear stories all over the place? How do I know which story to write about?” As I recently suggested to a friend, “Listen to your story with your heart. Your heart will show you the way. You can’t fake the heart, and the heart is also the key to expressing your most authentic and vulnerable self. To reach a wider audience, the key is to embrace your authenticity and vulnerability.