Q and A with a Story Guru: Patricia Keener: Digital Age Creates Call for Different Approach to Storytelling

See a photo of Patricia, her bio, Part 1 of this Q&A, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

Q&A with Patricia Keener, Question 5:

Q: What future trends or directions do you foresee for story/storytelling/ narrative? What aspirations do you have personally for your own story work?

A: Already the digital age has created a call for a different approach to storytelling — your bio on LinkedIn, your brand on Facebook, your message on Twitter. I think that has influenced how organisations have communicated their story and is a place where people need to really consider their personal branding.

There are all sorts of innovative applications happening using stories. Doctors at Harvard Medical School are given stories and novels to read to encourage humane treatment of their patients. Lawyers continually use stories in court to persuade. Public-health bodies lobby TV shows to get their health issues included in popular narratives. Even a study last year in the US showed how people with hypertension did better listening to stories.

From a career perspective, it’s more challenging than ever to stand out from all the other applicants; being able to express yourself in a story projects confidence and often makes you a more memorable candidate.

I’d personally like to explore corporate storytelling, how companies are being supported in redesigning their stories while they are experiencing change and how stories can help people to develop their own personal resilience.