Q&A with a Story Guru: Jon Buscall, Part 3

See a photo of Jon, his bio, and Part 1 of this Q&A, and Part 2.

Jon Buscall Q&A, Question 3:

Q: If you could share just one piece of advice or wisdom about story/storytelling/narrative with readers, what would it be?

A: Write regularly. Just like going to the gym, you have to keep in (writing) shape. Writing regularly is the only way of maintaining and growing your story-telling skills. I find that a lot of customers get excited about, say, blogging initially but they don’t post frequently enough after that initial kick-off.

Software like Eastgate’s Tinderbox (Mac only) makes it very easy to collect stacks of notes and ideas that you can subsequently edit and craft and ultimately publish. This is how I’ve managed to keep producing material over the years. I have all this boxes of notes (to match the paper notebooks I used to keep).