Seeking Stories from Women Who Are Leaders in Their Own Life

Lisa Rossetti is developing a female leadership development and coaching program and will soon launch the Web site Q2Lead. I offered to publicize her research needs:

As a writer and narrative researcher, I am collecting conversations and stories from women who are Leaders in their own Life.

Women often do not recognise or acknowledge their leadership qualities and achievements. They often prefer to step back from the limelight, or simply don’t identify with the Hero Leader model which has been around for many years certainly in the corporate world. Yet wherever and whenever a woman said “Look! this needs doing or changing — and we can do it,” they showed up as a leader!

Female energy in leadership prefers collaboration to individual or heroic charisma, inclusivity to standing out in front, and intuition over obsessive data. I would love connect with any woman who wants to share their “pivotal” experience with me. That moment when you realised that you had indeed stepped into being a “leader for change.”  What was that like for you? What or who persuaded you to take that step?

> I have a Facebook page Conversations with Women who Lead Change — or simply email me.