A Favorite Easter Story

Updating an Easter post from three years ago …

“Padre,” the Rev. R. Craig Burlington, our rector at St. George’s Episcopal Church when we lived in Maplewood, NJ, told a wonderful story in his Easter sermon one year. Here it is as best I can remember:

During Holy Week, the Burlingtons’ beloved family cocker spaniel (Teddy I think his name was) had gone missing. The children were bereft. On Easter, Padre heard the kids shouting ecstatically, “He’s alive, he’s alive!” Padre’s immediate thought was how deeply his offspring felt the message of Christ’s resurrection. Of course, the real reason the children were so gleeful was that the prodigal Teddy had returned home.


Meanwhile, blogger The Laughing Pastor writes stories about people in his church. “These stories tap into the joy and the awe of God’s presence.”