Stories to Socialize Organizational Newcomers

Just a postscript to an earlier entry about storytelling at Procter and Gamble:

P&G also has a digital story in which a Martian appears before a group of six composite characters representing various organizations within P&G. The Martian wants to know who’s responsible for innovation at P&G. As Linda Coffman, whom Steve Denning interviewed about storytelling at P&G, says: “The characters take turns in explaining why they think it is their organization. So this piece would be a good piece for new hires into the company to orient them to the different functions, and to communicate that innovation is important in P&G.”

I think this is a ripe area for academic research — how stories help socialize new hires in an organization. Anyone know anyone who’s doing research in this area?

Oh, and one little side note: Coffman says that 3-5 minutes is the ideal length for a digital story.