Storytelling in the Classroom

A couple of recent items about using storytelling in teaching:

In a publication about teaching corporate ethics, Timothy Fort
> It’s important to include the use of narrative in class, and there are often other more subtle and powerful forms of narrative that can be used as well. On the micro-level, sharing personal stories gives students permission to share their own stories. … Without turning the classroom into a therapy session, sharing stories of struggle invites students to share their own accounts. As students share their personal stories, they begin to connect with the larger themes …. As a first assignment, students in my class tell a personal story of something that happened in business that they believed to be good. … On a macro-level, the class itself can be used as a model of a narrative story on how to create positive organizational cultures.

Noting that stories in the classroom can be as simple as case studies, “baldTrainer” writes about using storytelling in online classes:
> Storytelling isn’t just a possible option to include within an eLearning course. It is an absolute necessity.