Sustainability Stories

OK, I admit that, although I care about the environment, it’s not one of my pet issues. As with any issue, however, passions can be aroused and change effected about the environment and sustainability through storytelling. And storytelling, I’m passionate about, especially its ability to promulgate change.

Thus, I greatly admire the two compilations Ron Donaldson has created of the Top 50 Story and Sustainability Websites and the Top 75 Books on Sustainability and Storytelling on his Ecology of Knowledge blog.

Donaldson, who will be the subject of a Q&A coming up in this space in December, compiled the lists as a result of a “Tales to Sustain” workshop at Cae Mabon in North Wales, UK, described as “a gathering is for storytellers who want to use their talents and experience to promote awareness of the Earth’s predicament and to inspire action on its behalf.”

Here are links to these two terrific lists: