The DVD of Your Life

Lifefilm_Intro from lifefilm on Vimeo.

After I read an article in the Christian Science Monitor about a company that makes DVDs of people’s life stories, I wanted to find out more about the company, LifeFilm Productions.

Not one’s whole life story — the sample films on the company’s site are about 15 minutes each — but the story of an important piece of your life. As the company explains it:

A Lifefilm is a film that tells your life story. What is that story? That’s up to you. It could be the first years of your child’s life. It could be the tale of how you and your husband met and fell in love. It could be a celebration of your parents and your family history. Whatever the story or occasion, we can custom-tailor a lifefilm for you.

The 53-second video above also offers a flavor of these kinds of filmed stories.