True Confessions for the 21st Century

When my cousin/best friend and I were kids, we went through a phase in which we were utterly titillated by women’s True Confessions magazines. Truly, these magazines fed my early lust for stories just as surely as did the anecdotes in Reader’s Digest. The classic story, which we still remember fondly today, was “I Said Yes to Six Boys.” I don’t know if these magazines still exist; I don’t think I’ve seen one in years. Their content seems quite tame by today’s standards, and I’m sure there are far more outlets for this kind of material on everything from social media to reality TV.

I was reminded of these scandalous magazines by a site in beta testing, Alpha Women. The site has many story-related components, including blogs and videos, but my favorite section is the one that reads like a micro-blog version of those true confessions stories of old, the Confessions section, full of short confessionals like:

My boyfriend was a virgin and 9 years younger than me when we first met. And he loves me!

All our friends and family think we’ve given up pot, but we’re just better at hiding it. If we’re not working, we’re smoking.

I want sex all the time..

Sex was great when we dated … now married there is none … I’m having a thing with married man the sex is GREAT!! now what?

I wish my husband would have an affair so I would have a valid excuse to divorce him.