Two More Freebies for Lifewriters

In his final offering of November’s National Lifewriting Month, Denis Ledoux offered the downloadable Scheduling for Success, a guide to keeping one’s writing projects on track.

Strictly speaking, the guide works for any writer, not just lifewriters.

Meanwhile, Annabel Candy is offering the free, downloadable e-booklet, Personal Writing Magic.

The 10-page publication offers personal writing tips, storytelling devices for memorable personal writing, a piece on personal writing and self-discovery, and seven personal-writing themes.

The personal-writing approach came about for Candy when she made an interesting discovery: “It turned out that people are much more interested in my personal story and experiences than they are in my qualifications …”

I can relate. Sometimes I feel self-indulgent when I occasionally write personal stories about my own life in this space — but those posts often generate more attention and comment than my usual fare.