Two New Story Blogs for the New Year

Two new story blogs emerged in the waning months of 2009, produced by story folks I highly admire and respect:

Story Route, published by Cathryn Wellner, features entries in such categories as business narrative, organizational storytelling, personal narratives, poems, social myths, and storytelling quotations. Cathryn writes: “Join me on the Story Route. We’ll explore personal stories, stories organizations tell, even some stories countries tell.” She shared with me this heartwarming video story — with a twist — about training a service dog.

Meanwhile, Cynthia Kurtz has started Story Colored Glasses. Cynthia wrote in her first blog entry back in October, “The point of this blog is to give some of the ideas that chose to land on me new places to go. May life surround them.” Many of Cynthia’s early entries have focused on her “eight observations about stories and storytelling in groups, and about helping people tell and work with stories.” She writes that her eight observations “were not scientific findings; they were just things I had encountered that had surprised me and that gave me food for thought. (Nor were they original thoughts, if there are such things; many others have talked about them as well.) As the years go by I find myself returning to the eight things often; so I thought a good way to start this blog might be to talk about each observation and what I think it means for those of us who work with stories.”

I want to wish my readers a fulfilling and story-filled new year!