Veterans Encouraged to Tell Their Stories on The Frontlines

I don’t usually single out story-related Web sites or blogs, but instead list them on my inside pages.

Nathan Tierney, however, sent me an email appeal about his newly launched site The Frontlines.

The Frontlines aims to combine the 40,000 organizations that support veterans into one network of veterans, active duty, military families and citizens together to overcome the obstacles vets typically face. The Frontlines is a network for armed forces, veterans and citizens to provide 400,000 filtered resources, education and the ability to share their stories. The site is used also used for mentorship to aid in gainful employment, supporting wounded veterans and success during the transition from the military.

The site tells veterans: “Think of The Frontlines as a living time capsule for your stories. Through the experiences of those that have actually lived it, future generations will have a better appreciation of the sacrifices and most importantly the lessons.”