Yes, Hiring Decision-Makers Want to Hear Your Story

More and more career coaches and experts have joined the chorus touting the use of story in job-search communications. What’s more unusual is to hear from hiring decision-makers — employers, recruiters, and the like — who want to hear job-seeker stories.

I am convinced that most do; their desire to hear/read your qualifications expressed in story form simply may not be at the tip of their consciousness, or they aren’t able to articulate that stories are what they want.

Thus, I’m always happy to hear it when a hiring decision-maker recognizes the desire to hear the stories behind candidates, as in the case of recruiter Phillip J. Smith, writing in this post:

In the magical world of recruiting, I want to hear — and subsequently tell — your story. Take every opportunity within the career process to draw your desired audience in by appealing to their emotions, rather than inundating them with facts, figures, and data that seemingly measure “success.”

Intentionally craft your resume to tell the epic tale of how you went from being a waitress at 21 years of age to the National Director of Marketing. Dramatically rehearse your responses to popular interview questions being sure to give attention to tonality, body language, and gestures. Colourfully share the message of what you genuinely value and cherish in this world through your various online social media platforms. Ultimately, bring your desired audience to [its] feet in rousing applause, cheering you on and chanting your name, leaving them wanting more — all through the power of your story.