New Finds: Blogs about Storytelling

Links to Blogs that Relate to Storytelling

    • 365 Stories in a Year: Lee Pound posts a new story every day.
    • A Storied Perspective — Bill Baker’s Blog: The blog of Bill Baker, of BB&Co Strategic Storytelling.
    • The Depictionist: An exploration of personal and professional storytelling through narrative branding.
    • Food Curated: Blog based on the premise that all good food has a story. A mix of video and text posts.
    • Gimli Goose: Kim (Valgardson) Zinke’s blog, tagline: “Your storytelling curator — helping you discover ways to find and tell your story your way.”
    • Ben Hoare: Author Ben Hoare blogs about storytelling and autobiography, among other topics.
    • Business Life Stories: Blog about entrepreneurs, startups, small-businesses, solo-practitioners, investors, and philanthropists. “Why I Love What I Do” is a center-piece in
    • Change of Perspective: The blog of Mary Daniels Brown, PhD, in part about this premise: “The same event narrated from two different perspectives will produce two different stories.”
    • Narrative by B. E. Berger: Barbara Berger’s blog about “Sharing the world through characters, settings and plots.”
    • Small Business Storyteller: The blog of Doug Rice, founder of Small Business Storyteller, an Internet marketing company dedicated to helping independent professionals develop their personal and professional brands via the Web.
    • Storyteller’s Campfire Blog: The blog of Bob Kanegis, founder of Tales & Trails Storytelling and executive director of Future WAVE-Working For Alternatives to Violence Through Entertainment.
    • Small Business Storytelling Project: A project of Living Story, the creative counseling and coaching practice of Juliet Bruce, Ph.D.
    • Storyati Blog: Jim Signorelli‘s blog about Storybranding: Creating standout brands through the power of story.

  • Storyteller Uprising: Hanson Hosein’s blog about the “uprising” — people seizing control of communication by building ongoing credible connection through story and digital technology.
  • Storytelling to Create Impact Brands: Storytelling To Create Impact Brands is a site dedicated to the discussion of branding, marketing and sales using the power of storytelling.’s blogdedicated to the discussion of branding, marketing and sales using the power of storytelling.
  • Story that Matters: From the unnamed blogger: “I work with people in organizations to discover and develop stories that lie beneath the surface — narratives that advance strategic objectives, build brands and strengthen connections to customers and communities.”
  • Story Travelers: A tribe of concious-travel-enthusiasts with a shared passion for storytelling/narrative talents with understanding how a contempory story is told and retold.
  • Succeed with Success Stories: A blog by Nemeth Consulting, which focuses on content marketing or content strategy.