Purposeful Stories

I’m at a conference – of the Career Management Alliance – and heard the wonderful author and speaker Richard Leider today, who in addition to packing his presentation with stories, also made several references to the power of story. Building on the practice of Narrative Medicine, Leider declared that the absence of people to tell our stories to is tantamount to ill health or even death.

The major focus of Leider’s coaching practice is living a purposeful life:

People who are living on purpose feel a sense of aliveness every day and seek to make a difference in the world around them. A Purposeful Life is living with meaning and intention.

Story helps people realize their purpose; Leider equates asking “What is the narrative theme of your life?” to asking, “What is your purpose?”

A bit about Leider’s books from his Web site:

Repacking Your Bags and The Power of Purpose are considered classics in the career development field. Claiming Your Place at the Fire and Something to Live For, have been touted as breakthrough books on “vital aging.” He is a contributing author to many leading-edge coaching books, including: Coaching for Leadership, The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching, Executive Coaching for Results and The Leader of the Future.