Q and A with a Story Guru: MaryLou Wakefield: An Exciting Time to Be in the Storytelling Business

See a photo of MaryLou, her bio, and Part 1 of this Q&A.

Q&A with MaryLou Wakefield, Question 2:

Q: I get the impression that Wakefield Communications’ focus on story and storytelling is somewhat recent. What inspired you to shift to a storytelling focus for your communications firm?

A: I’ve been telling stories in my work for two decades. I just didn’t call it that. It’s where my passion is. It’s where I come from, and it’s where I feel the most energy and commitment. I’ve experienced the impact of stories firsthand, personally and in business and I’m excited about sharing what I’ve learned in the process. I know the business (and non-profit) communities stand to benefit immensely from discovering and sharing their stories to connect and build meaningful relationships. It’s an exciting time to be in the storytelling business.