Q&A with a Story Guru: Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg: What’s the True Story of Who You Are and Why You’re Alive?

See a photo of Caryn, her bio, Part 1 of this Q&A,Part 2, and Part 3.

Q&A with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Question 4:

Q: If you could share just one piece of advice or wisdom about story/storytelling/narrative with readers, what would it be?

A: Use whatever you’re reading, writing, living, and yearning for as a constant way to ask yourself what story you’re living, and if this is the true story of who you are and why you’re alive. Take all the material of life — whatever surprises and challenges you, hurts or threatens your usual way of
being in the world — as something to shine up the story of your soul. When
I was living through a complex story of cancer and loss, I began to see more
clearly how brushing against death brought out my yearning to live more
purposely, and I also found ample material in all the challenges to open my
heart, my mind, my spirit. Our stories are also shifting, in motion just
like the weather, just like time, and the more we can embrace what changes
the usual endings, the more we can land in the beginnings that bring greater
joy, healing, and wisdom to our lives.