Q&A with a Story Guru: Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg: Making a Living from Transformative Language Arts

See a photo of Caryn, her bio, Part 1 of this Q&A,Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

Q&A with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Question 5:

Q: How can people make a living from TLA (Transformative Language Arts), and do your graduates use TLA to make a living?

A: We have about 50 graduates from TLA in the last decade, and almost all of them are using TLA to make all or some of their living. Some found or created jobs for themselves using TLA, such as Nancy Morgan, who works as arts and humanities director at the Lombardi Cancer Center in Washington,
D.C. Her job entails handing out journals to patients, leading arts workshops for oncologists, singing sessions for chaplains, and writing workshops for families. Kairos.gif We also have many who have created their own businesses, such as Stephanie Sandmeyer in Portland, OR, who started up Kairos Narrative, which helps people collect and and preserve family and life stories in meaningful and artful ways. Many of our graduates cobble together a living through offering workshops (like Jen Cross, coaching (like Yvette Hyater-Adams, performances (such as Taina Asili, a singer, storyteller and writer) and other blends of the written, spoken, or sung word. RenaissanceMuse.gif Some also infuse whatever they’re doing — such as teaching in public schools, private schools or college, or designing programming for a not-for-profit — with what they’ve learned about through TLA. All of this speaks to something we emphasize throughout the program: right livelihood through TLA. I believe that when we can use our gifts and even our challenges to give to our communities, we can find a way to make a living that ultimately fulfills us and truly serves others. I’m also excited that the TLA Network, the not-for-profit organization focused on TLA, will offer next April and annually after that, an intensive in Right Livelihood to help people figure out more about their callings and then how to draw from those callings to create a business or project or program, or even renew the way they’re making a living.