Telling Stories at Difficult Times

Wendy Bigham wonders about people who tell important stories at difficult times in their lives. Her exemplar is Randy Pausch who has a best-selling book and highly viewed video, The Last Lecture, life lessons (Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams) delivered like the college professor he was before being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

As a former journalist who is now in PR, Bigham asks, “… when has someone told you a difficult story for print at a bad time in their lives? What was the story?” Another question might be, when have you told a difficult story at a difficult time?

I post this entry on May 19 as it is the first anniversary of the death of my cousin, Anne Ertel, who died of pancreatic cancer.

Pausch has outlived his prognosis, but I’ve never heard of pancreatic cancer having a good outcome. Folks can follow Pausch’s progress here.